So apparently the way to healthy living is won 1 step at a time. So right now i am taking baby steps.
Day 1 is finished and now i am getting my meals ready for day 2. So of course I needed to blog to yall about my feeling thru out the day and how did i even just finish my day. So i was doing really good until about 45 mins before lunch. This was because my para was eating her lunch that smelled sooooooo good. I mean she was eating ribs and i wanted to ask her for a taste, which would have seemed okay, but i dont eat RED MEAT. So then it got even worst cuz she wiped out a nutta butta and started to eat that joker...YES A NUTTA BUTTA. So of course i was sucking my water down so i would stop thinking about that dang bar of peanut butter.

I also made another decision to give up shopping for these thirty days and man-o-man all i could think about was going shoe shopping. I really need to work on not shopping since i feel like i am spending money and not getting the chance to actually wear the clothes because i dont even get to wear them before they are no longer fitting. I mean i should be excited but i literally cried when i gave away my clothes last month, and i may even break down at the end of the summer when i clear out my closet. See this way i will be able to tear the mall up when August rolls around and i go shopping for the new school year. YES TEACHER BACK 2 SCHOOL SHOP...well at least i do...DONT JUDGE ME...GOOD NIGHT YALL
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