) spent about an hour picking blueberries. This time i knew where to go in the fields and we ended up each picking around five lbs each on the course of this trip. And of course I am going to use my blueberries to make pancakes for my students when we have a pancake breakfast. That pretty much was my entire morning .
Then I headed over to Walmart to get my hair pressed and trimmed and yes i knew that i was going to be there for a long time but apparently i was there for 3 hours. All this to make sure that i am taking care of my hair...UGGGHH. But anyways also while i was there I got to get my autograph and picture taken Channing Crowder of the Miami Dolphins...I wasn't going to get my picture taken but then i remember he paid for many SHOTS i drank while i was in college my Senior year...lol...so this autograph will go on my wall of pictures and memorabilia that i keep inside of my classroom behind my desk. My students love to walk over to the wall and pick out pictures and stuff that i have all over my wall. So of course after the "fan" session I went over and got this hair handled. This guy must have know what he was dealing with because i didn't walk out of Walmart the way that i walked in to Walmart on Causeway that day. So after living at WalMart I went home and cleaned and then just rested up and decided i will save the rest for the next day.

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