Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sprinkle a little ashes on me!!!

So I have returned back to blogging….yeas I know I have said this many times before however this time it’s going to be different. Mainly because it’s just going to be a bunch of random thoughts, pictures and idea. I am going to take you inside of this crazy head of mind and finally let people know what I’m really thinking. So, if your coming here expecting to see perfect grammar…..PLEASE UNSCRIBE NOW!!!!

With that being said today is the first day of ASH WEDNESDAY….and that means that I have given something up for LENT. Of course many people believe that I should give up shopping (WAIT 4 IT) this will not be happening. Since at the beginning of the year I fasted for 40 days from shopping. I fell like when you fast at the beginning of the year you set the tone for the rest of your year. So for LENT I have decided to give up SWEETS & FRIED FOODS (PRAY FOR ME) If anyone knows me well they know I will eat healthy and workout, but if a donut, slice of cake, candy(especially Easter candy and candy corn) or piece of pie (hence the name of the blog) come across my face, I will forget about the 10 miles I just ran and my inner fat girl “Hilda” (She German for German chocolate cake) will come out and snatch whatever it is up before my mind can tell me to think about it.

With that being said, I just cleaned out my desk and house (even the sugar-free gum had to go) and will be going thru all 40 days of Lent. So if you have given up something just let me know….I will pray for YOU and you can pray for ME!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I see that you made it back to blogging! Since I added you to my Google Reader, I expect to see more posts! LOL! Giving up sweets and fried foods is admirable! I will keep you on my prayer list!!
