Thursday, August 20, 2009


Okay so today during Open House at my school, YES I SAID OPEN HOUSE. I was reading my favorite blog and came across this post from earlier today. I found it to be really informative and wanted to share it with yall...

You need to eat in order to lose weight. If you don’t need to lose weight, you need to eat to be healthy. EAT! Just don’t eat garbage.

This is something that took me a long time to learn. Magazines, media, and other girls tricked me into thinking that in order to for one to lose weight or look their best, one would need to always be on a “diet”, deprive themselves and exist in a constant state of hunger.

That, my friends, is the biggest LIE ever. Right now, I eat more than I used to (a few years ago), even though my activity level (pretty darn high) has remained the same for most of my life. Significantly more. And I’m also the same size/weight/jeans size as I was when I wasn’t eating enough to sustain my activity levels.

When you don’t eat enough food to support your activity levels, your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto all of the fat it can. This is why people can work out like maniacs, not eat enough food, remain the exact same weight and scratch their heads about why this is happening. By eating, you keep your metabolism revving at full force and actually burn more calories. The thing is, you have to eat whole and healthy foods.

I’ve said it a million times but I’m going to say it again- the calorie count of a food doesn’t say much about how that particular food will be used by the body. The calories in a large salad chock full of veggies are going to affect your body much differently than a Krispy Kreme with the same caloric count as the salad. Our body knows how to process the salad and can efficiently break it down, whereas the donut, nutritionally-devoid and laden with trans fat, white flour and refined sugar, will spike our blood sugar and sit in our body for much longer, causing us to gain weight. This is the number one reason why I can stuff my face with salads, veggies, whole grains, fruit, (moderate) nuts and seeds and not gain an ounce… but filling myself on junk food with the same calorie count would cause me to become smushy and render my favorite pair of Sevens too tight.

I eat a lot because I eat well. I’m also highly active, as I teach aerobics every day and train clients, which makes me hungrier. This will make it easy to maintain my weight when I don’t teach aerobics, as I don’t plan on doing it forever. When that happens, I’ll eat less, because I won’t be as hungry.

The reason why I was overweight to begin with (you can read about my weight loss story here) was because I overate and ate a lot of junk. As soon as I changed my eating habits to the healthy stuff, the weight started to fall off and I was pleasantly surprised with my increase in energy. The best thing about my new eating plan was that I didn’t need to count calories—I could eat to my heart’s delight (I needed sufficient fuel to dance as I danced an average of 5 hours each day) and just had to ensure that it was all healthy food.

I still treat myself to junk every blue moon, but in all 100% honesty, I’m not a huge fan of it. White flour isn’t appealing to me (100% whole grain products are much heartier and delicious in my opinion) and I don’t crave sugary sweets and chips the way I used to. When I do have a craving for something delicious that isn’t necessarily the healthiest choice, I eat it, and move on. No big deal.

This turned into a much longer spiel than I anticipated but the main point of what I’m trying to say is EAT. Eat often. Eat until you’re perfectly content and eat well. Your energy levels, tummy and jeans size will thank you.

I can truly say that i agree with her, when i was in college i lost a lot of weight. I could relate as to how when you are doing a lot of activity you don't notice that when you are doing all those things diet isn't an issue. But now I know that what I eat truly is driving my weight lose, which is helping me improve my times.


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